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Everything about condoms you need to know

So, are you smart enough to practice safe sex (preventing pregnancy and STDs) practice using a condom properly. But what do you do with the condom when you are done with him? Here are some tips on eliminating condom-friendly environment.
First, do not flush your condoms, ever! Flushing condoms is not the way to process. Condoms can clog the pipes in your home (or sewers where you are). This can be a costly and painful situation. If condoms can do this through your septic tank, it will not end with solid waste. This means that someone must break the water, which is not pleasant for anyone. Condoms can also do this after the treatment. This is not good because it means he was in the water, and the last thing we need is more pollution in our rivers, lakes and seas.
Not all condoms are for. Most condoms are latex, which means they are biodegradable. Latex, but not biologically, when underwater, so it's not good to flush your condoms. Condoms are not completely latex, however, and things about condoms (spermicide, lubricants) may affect the biodegradability. The best option seems to be to send them to a landfill and how they stand the test of time.

Some condoms, including all condoms are made of polyurethane, a type of plastic. They will not be broken. There is no alternative, but unlike them in the trash because the local recycling not recycling used condoms. They will not even recover from the new condoms.

Other condoms are made of lambskin. These condoms are completely biodegradable. Not depleted and lambskin condoms immediately! lambskin condoms do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. The pores in lambskin are small enough to prevent sperm and thus prevent pregnancy, but the pores are wide enough for sexually transmitted infections. This option is only for people in monogamous relationships have been tested for sexually transmitted diseases. If so, you might consider a kind of barrier even more eco-friendly as a contraceptive diaphragm, cervical cap or shield. Ask your doctor what is best for you.

No matter what material you use a condom (latex, polyurethane or lamb), you remove a package. Such packaging is not biologically, they can not be recycled. By simply demolished.

Even if your latex condoms are biodegradable or lamb, it is better to not try to compost or bury your condoms. The animals smell of people and try to dig what you got buried. This means that the condoms will be used around ugly. Bury Your condom is like throwing waste, and there are better ways to meet your availability of condoms.

So in the end, what is the best way to get rid of your condoms? It is best to wrap in a piece of toilet paper or paper towels (or other biodegradable materials: think of reasons, such as bags, paper) and put it in the trash. Do not pack your condoms in plastic, then it certainly will not be broken. The good news is that semen and vaginal secretions and safe condom broken condom, which can facilitate biodegradation.

And finally, remember ... Never use a condom. Also reduce, reuse and recycle is the motto of the environmental movement, you have on the health front. Not minimize your condom, do not reuse your condoms, and it is unfortunate that you do not recycle. Think about the scale of the environment, the use of condoms environmentally friendly it is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. It is also possible that fertilization, and children are documented consumer of global resources hugs.

Condoms are not primarily used for sexual pleasure and experiences, but also for the security provided for those who use them. safe condoms in addition to side effects could lead to any offer of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Did you know that condoms are used to collect moisture Mans for the treatment of infertile patients on the four corners of the world? And apart from that, surprisingly, even unimaginable, said they are now used condoms to prevent clogging of arms and weapons? For each item that your newly purchased condoms course use, it is clear that the main objective being to improve safety, such as to prevent leakage and thus avoid unwanted pregnancies or STDs feared, or the security of your guns and them clogging stop.

Safe condoms

Condoms may not offer the most security and 100% for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, but there is also a high percentage, which can help reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies statistics. This alone would qualify the rubber contraceptives to be labeled as "condoms". It would be smarter to move to the simplest and most affordable contraception condoms safe today. Another aspect of the safety of condoms is that the rubber contraceptives may help insulate against sexually transmitted diseases and the dreaded AIDS, syphilis and many other sexually transmitted diseases.

In fact, history tells us that condoms do not really invented to prevent pregnancy, but rather to the acquisition of various sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis prevention. The truth is condoms, condoms are considered safe for the ultimate cause of their invention knows is due to secure and to protect people from contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Always a point before any type of condom, you should first make sure a condom is safe? Search by type of material used, if they were made of latex, polyurethane or lamb. They are all easily accessible, affordable and environmentally friendly, especially if you mix with water or other liquids. These condoms have a safe yield of about 800% before breaking. While polyurethane is the type of fabric, plastic, in fact, it would be best away to help protect our environment.
The expiry date on condoms and safe
Also remember that condoms are the security of the closing date of manufacture when you use them. Otherwise, latex is affected and can lead to leaks and spills, of course, is dangerous because it can lead to sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Other factors that could cause safety condom otherwise poor storage conditions. Remember to always keep your condoms in a cool, dry place to use condoms at all times. And the final exhibition of all, to various substances such as oil may also tend to wear your condoms and slightly damaged.


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